Call for Special Session


The ICAITT 2024 are now welcoming proposals for Special Sessions tracks. Special Sessions are a vital part of the ICAITT 2024. We encourage and invite a group of prominent researchers to submit a proposal for organizing Special Session(s). Special Session(s) proposals will be collected and evaluated as they are received until TBD.

Terms and Conditions

Before submitting your proposal, please make sure to carefully read the following terms and conditions:

  1. Special Session topics must be in line with the ICAITT 2024 theme i.e., Advances on Innovation and Technology in Tourism and Hospitality
  2. Title of your special session, e.g., Special Session on Smart Destination 2024.
  3. The acronym of your special session, e.g., S3D-2024.
  4. Description of the topics of your special session.
  5. Description of your special session organizers (chair and program committee members), including name, affiliation, country, email, and mailing address.
  6. Previous experience of the organizers in organizing special sessions (if any).
  7. A short description of how your special session will be advertised.
  8. The special session organizers are responsible for all the organizational aspects, including attracting and soliciting papers
  9. The program committee members at least come from THREE different institutions.
  10. Each program committee members reviewing a maximum of THREE papers.
  11. A special session paper should be reviewed by at least THREE Program Committee members
  12. Special sessions review time must follow the regular paper review period.
  13. All special session papers should be properly reviewed and no reviewing of your own, or colleagues' papers.
  14. Special session organizers must responsible for monitoring the reviewing process on the same reviewing system in collaboration with the Program Committee Chairs of ICAITT 2024.
  15. All special session accepted papers should NOT include more than THREE papers per single author (including jointly-author papers).
  16. Special session organizers must responsible for ensuring that only high-quality papers are accepted for publication in the ICAITT proceedings and they must follow the camera-ready template of ICAITT proceedings.
  17. A representative of special sessions organizers must commit in setting and chairing their sessions either in-person or online.



The Special Sessions proposals should be submitted directly to the following Special Session Chairs (please make sure to read out terms and conditions as above).

Agus Perdana Windarto
STIKOM Tunas Bangsa, Indonesia

Assyifa Shafia Adiyanti
Indonesian Tourism Research Institute (LKPI), Indonesia