Presentation Guidelines

The ICAITT-2024 will be organized fully online. During the online conference, the organizer uses Zoom for all workshop, doctoral colloquium, keynote talks, parallel sessions, special sessions, and meetings. For the best online conference experience, presenters and participants are suggested to download Zoom Client for Meetings into your laptop or desktop via

Further intrucstions for presentations to the workshop participants, doctoral colloquium participants, parallel sessions presenters, special sessions presenters, and participants will be announced in July 2024.

Guidelines for ICAITT-2024 Online Presentation

*The schedule and room for the parallel session will be announced in July 2024. Please keep in mind that all the time is in Western Indonesian Time (GMT +7) or WIB.

*Papers that are not presented by one of authors-accepted paper will be excluded from publication in Springer Proceedings Book.

*Each presentation will be maximum of 15 minutes presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A session.

*Presenter should submit their presentation file (PPT) to the provided form which will be provided in July 2024.

*Zoom link for online presenter (regular & special session papers) & participants will be will be provided in July 2024.